Alex Doll
Alex's passion lies in being real together. He brings this passion to the connection and relationship groups he facilitates. He loves to create spaces for conscious connection, deep inner work and healing together through community. Exploring the present moment together in practices like Circling and Authentic Relating have transformed how he relates to others, and he delights in envisioning a future where relating with honesty and compassion are the norm everywhere.

Alex left his career in engineering after years of soul searching into what matters most. These days, when he's not organizing and facilitating groups, he's usually out in the forest, camping with his partner, cooking, dancing, or traveling. He’s also a certified Circling group facilitator through CircleAnywhere, and hosted a weekly men’s circle here at Tantra from November ‘21 - August ‘22.”
Sarah Moore
Sarah is a holistic healer. She was initially trained as a physician in psychiatry and her practice has transformed over the past 25 years to include many different forms of healing including meditation guidance, somatic psychotherapy (including inner child work), intuitive healing practices, integrative psychiatry and trauma releasing exercises (TRE). She believes that each individual already has everything they need within and her role is to support her client to tap into their own inner wisdom and inner healer.
Sarah is passionate about bringing people together to relate on deeper levels through authentic relating practices as an antidote to the current crisis of disconnection and separation in our culture. She believes in the healing power of deep presence and connection.
Tuesdays 6:45-8:45pm
Circling with Alex
Closed Circle, Registration required. Click above for more information.
Why Circling?
-Practice relating with more honesty and compassion
-Learn to cultivate more presence in relationships, even during challenging moments
-More presence = more connection
-Receive honest feedback on how you relate to others in real time
-Gain clarity on relational blind spots
What is Circling?
Circling is an interpersonal meditation practice, where the only goal is to be with the present moment of what it's like to be together. We often live and relate as a "human DO-ing"… Circling invites us into relating as a "human BEi-ng". We continuously bring the focus of our interaction to the present moment, exploring what's actually here, right now. We invite in the micro-experiences of being human that often go unspoken, bringing our curiosity. If resistance arises, we practice gently leaning towards at our own pace vs. avoiding or turning away, finding new doorways and possibilities for connection to emerge.
This practice is not therapy. The focus of the practice is educational and experiential, based on relating from the present moment. All participants are viewed as free agents capable of self-reflection and autonomous choice. We follow these agreements:
Honor Self - we welcome and agree to set any personal boundaries or limitations
Honor Other - we agree to not fix, give advice, or tell any other participants how they should or should not be in the spirit of co-creative exploration
Spaces are limited - register above, in the payment portal.